Hot green tea in summer?

The thermometer shows 32°C and the sun is burning your skin? At SHO CHA we leave the Iced Matcha Latte and rather reach for the hot Sencha green tea. Why this even makes sense, we explain to you in this article,

The effect of hot tea in summer

In many southern countries, people like to enjoy something hot or spicy when the temperature is hot. The explanation for this was provided by a Scandinavian study in 2012. The test subjects who consumed hot drinks lost more body heat than the control group. Overall, they were better able to get their bodies to a comfortable temperature level.

Key to cooling down: the body's own heat regulation system called "sweating

Key to cooling down: the body's own heat regulation system called "sweating

The background: when consuming hot tea under warm conditions, the body can sweat much more and thus cool down more. This effect can of course also be enhanced by the metabolism-stimulating caffeine in green tea. So there's every reason to reach for the hot Sencha or Matcha.

And when you do need something cool....

there are, of course, numerous cold variants of green tea. In our YouTube video we present 3 simple Matcha recipes for cold drinking.