Toshimi-san - 60 hectares pollution-free tea farm

Toshimi-san produces for us the sweet aromatic Genmaicha without pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Toshimi-san is already known in Europe for its outstanding Senchas & Gyokuro. With us, his Genmaicha now celebrates its premiere.

Forests border the tea fields in Kirishima, Kagoshima.

Forests border the tea fields in Kirishima, Kagoshima.

Toshimi-san has a great advantage. Not only are all of his tea fields, which cover 60 hectares, completely pesticide-free. Forests surround his entire tea farm, protecting it from harmful environmental influences and the pesticides that neighboring tea farmers might use. Founded in 1954 by his father Hiroshimi Nishi, Toshimi has already witnessed his father begin the process of converting to pesticide-free farming beginning in 1994. Toshimi himself has taken over the management of the tea farm & other tea farmer cooperatives from his father since 2010.

Numerous helpers are needed, especially during the harvest.

Numerous helpers are needed, especially during the harvest.

In the meantime, almost his entire tea farm is BIO-certified - pesticides or chemical fertilizers are no longer used on the entire tea farm. Toshimi-san is also working on further measures to protect his tea fields from air pollution, for example.

Toshimi-san green tea is a Genmaicha (玄米茶). The tea is made from tea leaves of the summer harvest (Bancha) and roasted rice. It is mildly aromatic, sweet with subtle roasted flavors and contains no caffeine. This makes it particularly well tolerated.

The small rice grains are partially popped & thus remind of popcorn.

The small rice grains are partially popped & thus remind of popcorn.

You can buy Toshimi-san's Genmaicha directly from our tea store here.

Our tea farmersSascha KobitzGreen Tea Sencha, Green Tea Kabusecha, Kabusecha, Japan Green Tea, Green Tea pesticide free, Japan Sencha, Green Tea from Japan, Kabusecha pesticide free, Gyokuro, Green Tea Gyokuro, Organic Tea, Green Tea Organic, Kabusecha OrganicComment