The Matcha preparation - simple & (almost) without accessories
Egal ob fix im Shaker zubereitet oder in einer entspannten Teezeremonie zuhause: die Zubereitung von Matcha Tee kann man ganz schnell erlernen. Wir erklären es dir Schritt für Schritt.
You can mix real matcha without a matcha broom or matcha bowl - Here are a few ways to make matcha tea quickly:
fine matcha powder can be mixed briefly in a shaker with some lukewarm water or milk - this produces an acceptable foam and is super fast
instead of matcha broom and matcha bowl you can also use a small whisk and a cereal bowl - you won't get any foam, but the matcha is well blended and absolutely drinkable
cold water works great for a cold Matcha or Iced Matcha Latte - so theoretically you don't even need a kettle
Ein guter Matcha ist Grundvoraussetzung für einen guten Geschmack. Schließlich kommt nur Matcha und Wasser in die Schale. Unser Matcha N°2 ist besonders gut für Einsteiger geeignet, denn er ist besonders mild-süßlich und das Matchapulver ist ultra fein gemahlen. Das erleichtert das Aufschäumen des Matchas enorm. Weitere leckere Matchatees findest du bei uns im Shop.
A deep matcha bowl (chawan/茶碗) works best. If you don't have a matcha bowl on hand, a cereal bowl, dip bowl, or something similar will also work.
Ein Matchabesen (Chasen/茶筅) macht es dir einfach, einen schönen Schaum hinzubekommen. Qualitativ hochwertige Matchabesen mit vielen fein gearbeiteten Borsten, wie unser Matchabesen 100 Prong, sind besonders gut geeignet.
For dosing, a fancy matcha spoon (Chashaku/茶杓) is ideal - but of course a teaspoon works as well.
Tipp: Bei unseren Matcha Sets ist alles dabei, was du zur Zubereitung braucht.
If you can set the temperature on your kettle, 70-80°C has proven successful. Otherwise, you can also boil the water and let it cool for 10 minutes with the lid open. If you want to speed up the cooling process, it helps to pour the water into another bowl. With each decanting, the water cools down by approx. 10°C.
If you have a match whisk at hand, you should place it briefly in hot water for 20-30 seconds before use to soften the bristles. The most practical way is to place the match whisk in the matcha bowl and add hot water. After 20-30 seconds, tip the water away and wipe the bowl dry again. This way you preheat the matcha bowl and your matcha stays warm a little longer.
For one serving, you should add 1-2 matcha spoons or 1/4-1/2 teaspoon matcha to the matcha bowl. Depending on taste, you can of course take more. The taste will then of course be more intense.
Now you can finally get started. Add about 100ml of hot water to the matcha powder in the bowl. Now you can mix the matcha in W-shaped movements and beat until foamy. While doing this, try to keep your wrist loose - the better the foam will turn out. If you don't get the matcha foam right at the beginning, that's no problem. The matcha still tastes good and with a little practice it will get better and better.
Simply rinse the matcha whisk and matcha spoon as well as the matcha bowl with warm water and let them dry well before putting them away. Please do not use any cleaning agents.
Then choose your Matcha & accessories in our store. Do you have further questions about the Matcha preparation or do not really get on? Then simply contact us!