SHO CHA - green tea from Japan

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Why is green tea healthy?

Green tea is healthy. That's what you hear and read everywhere now. But what exactly makes green tea so healthy? What effect does it have on the body, mind and well-being? In this article we clarify these questions and show that green tea is rightly an important building block for a healthy lifestyle.

Energy and attention


Lose weight with green tea

Relaxation and mindfulness


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Energy and attention

Many people know this. To get going in the morning, you need a coffee first thing after getting up early. In the best case, this effect lasts for some time before the energy drops again. Then another coffee is necessary. In the worst case, nervousness and shakiness are added - a common side effect of coffee. Here, green tea and especially matcha have a clear advantage. Because while a bowl of matcha contains similar amounts of caffeine as a cup of coffee, it also contains another important substance: L-theanine. L-theanine inhibits the sudden absorption of caffeine. The rise of caffeine in the blood occurs more evenly and more slowly than with coffee. At the same time, L-theanine calms and triggers slight relaxation. The combination of these effects is what researchers call "relaxed alertness." This state is the best state for learning or completing difficult tasks. Therefore, green tea for energy and attention puts you in an absolute win-win situation.

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The antioxidants

Antioxidants are now the talk of the town (hehe). They play an important role in the prevention of infectious diseases, chronic diseases and even cancer. EGCG makes up a large part of the medically active substances in green tea. Both Sencha and Matcha contain this substance in high concentrations. EGCG has so many positive effects on a wide variety of ailments that a complete listing here would go beyond the scope. A small excerpt? From Alzheimer's disease to diabetes and heart disease to various types of cancer, many applications have already been proven or are strongly suspected. Bottom line: drinking green tea is a simple yet delicious way to prevent and treat disease.

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Lose weight with green tea

One thing in advance. Anyone who hopes that a few cups of green tea a day will make you lose weight all by itself is unfortunately barking up the wrong tree. A healthy diet and exercise are still the key to a healthy weight. However, green tea can be a useful addition to this healthy diet. This is because matcha and sencha boost metabolism and even crank up fat burning. You can also get an energy and motivation boost with green tea before your workout. Caffeine and EGCG are responsible for this. So if you are looking for the icing on the cake in your weight loss or fitness strategy, you have found it with green tea.

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Relaxation and mindfulness

A bowl of green tea every day. This can contribute to relaxation and balance. Two factors play a role here. First, green tea itself provides relaxation through its L-theaning. How does it work? The substance increases the activity of alpha waves in the brain and at the same time ensures the release of dopamine - the happiness hormone. Your brain goes into chill mode, so to speak. On the other hand, just taking time out to prepare sencha and matcha is relaxing. Enjoying the tea with a high level of mindfulness - that's time for yourself and a welcome change in your hectic everyday life.

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Conclusion: Top for health and well-being

Green tea, both Sencha and Matcha, is a real powerhouse for health and emotional life. 2-3 cups a day is enough to be happier and boost your health at the same time. So what are you waiting for? Head to our tea store and stock up on this Japanese all-rounder.