Amai MATCHA Lim. Ed.

Amai MATCHA Lim. Ed.

29,00 €

VORAUSSICHTLICH ANFANG OKTOBER 2024 WIEDER VERFÜGBAR! Trage dich jetzt oben in die Warteliste ein.

Süßlich, cremig weich mit einem vollmundig-aromatischen Geschmack & feinen Kakao-Noten: dieser Matcha von Nakai San aus der Präfektur Kyoto ist meist nur begrenzt verfügbar. Das Besondere: Nakai San hat einen Teil seiner Shincha-Ernte im Mai für diesen limitierten Matcha verwendet.  

Sorte: Matcha (gemahlener Shincha-Tencha, vollbeschattet)
süßlich, intensiv aromatisch, schokoladig, weich, cremig, Umami, Ceremonial Grade / Teezeremonie-Qualität
Produzent: Herr Nakai
Anbau: Keine Pestizide, Herbizide oder chemische Dünger
Verarbeitung: gemahlen auf Granitmühlen
Herkunft: Wazuka, Kyoto, Japan
Ernte: Vorpflückung (Mai) 2024
Cultivar: Okumidori

Content: 30g
Delivery: approx. 2-3 working days (Germany, other countries)

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Mr. Nakai harvesting tea this year with his father in Kyoto, Japan.

  • This Matcha is slightly sweet, wonderfully creamy soft and reminiscent of cocoa notes in aroma & taste. It smells fresh-sweet and has an intensely aromatic taste with strong umami. With its intense aroma and deep green color, this matcha belongs to the highest tea ceremony quality. This is achieved not only by the long shading of the tea plants before harvesting, but especially from the exclusive use of Shincha tea leaves.

    The Matcha powder is very finely ground. As a result, the powder dissolves easily in water - ideal even for matcha beginners. It is therefore not necessary to sieve the matcha before preparation. In addition, it is therefore ideally suited for the production of healthy matcha ice cream or milkshakes. Just try it out!

  • This Shincha comes from Kyoto Prefecture in the heart of Japan. Mr. Nakai took over the family farm from his father in 2006. Although his father wanted to continue the operation conventionally, his son has advocated the cultivation without the use of pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers & meanwhile converted the entire tea farm to organic cultivation.

  • The Matcha is naturally grown completely pesticide-free and without chemical fertilizers in Wazuka, Kyoto.

  • at least 1 teaspoon per 100ml / 70-80 degrees

    This Matcha is particularly suitable for preparation as Koicha ("thick Matcha"). If you dose the Matcha high, its chocolaty aroma & silky smooth taste comes out particularly well.

    Also the usual preparation as "thin matcha" works great. Simply use 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon or 1-2 matcha spoons per 100ml of water.

    The Matcha tea comes in a sealed and resealable flavor bag. The removal is super easy and the tea stays fresh for a long time.