HANA Sencha

HANA Sencha

19,00 €

Hana (花) bedeutet Blume oder Blüte im Japanischen und hier ist der Name Programm: ein blumiger, spritziger Spitzen-Grüntee mit gutem Umami und leicht grasig-fruchtigem Nachgeschmack. Der Tee ist so naturbelassen wir nur möglich für einen möglichst natürlichen Geschmack: grob sortiert, teilweise sind Teeblüten oder Stängel enthalten & die Teeblätter haben ein fast wildes Aussehen. Produzent ist Ueda San aus der kleinen Stadt Wazuka in der Präfektur Kyoto. Das frische florale Aroma erinnert an chinesischen Oolong während der Aufguss süßlich duftet. Das Beste aus zwei Welten: mit 80°C heißem Wasser zubereitet erinnert der Sencha an einen Oolong - bei 60-70°C eher an einen milden japanischen Sencha.

Sorte: Sencha (loser grüner Tee, unbeschattet)
blumig, aromatisch, frisch, gutes Umami, leicht grasig, leichte Adstringenz
Produzent: Herr Ueda
Anbau: keine Pestizide, Herbizide oder chemische Dünger
Herkunft: Wazuka (Kyoto), Japan
Ernte: 1. Pflückung 2024
Cultivar: Okumidori

Content: 100g
Delivery: approx. 2-3 working days (Germany, other countries)

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Ueda San personally accompanies every step of production: from cultivation to cultivation to harvesting and further processing of the sencha.

The tea leaves of the bush variety "Okumidori" can be recognized by the light leaf stalks in contrast to the dark green color of the tea leaves. The flowery aroma of Hana Sencha is the result of short controlled ripening of Okumidori tea leaves - similar to Chinese Oolong.

Okumidori was developed as a cross between the cultivars Yabukita and Shizuoka Zairai No. 16 . The tea owes its grassy-floral aroma in particular to the cross-breeding of the shrub variety Shizuoka Zairai No. 16.

  • This loose Sencha green tea has a floral aroma with mild grassy notes and a balanced umami. No bitterness. The cultivar (shrub variety) Okumidori provides a floral fragrance and mild-sweet aftertaste.

  • This flowery Sencha comes from the small town of Wazuka in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Mr. Ueda was born in Osaka, fell in love with the small town 11 years ago and decided to become a tea farmer. 2 years of education, 3 years of internship and countless awards later, Ueda San produces one of our finest green teas. Of course as usual 100% pesticide free & without chemical fertilizers.

  • The Sencha is naturally grown completely pesticide-free and without chemical fertilizers.
    Mr. Ueda uses tea bushes of the cultivar Okumidori for his flowery Sencha. This variation of the tea plant is milder and sweeter than Yabukita. You can't do anything with it? We explain it in our FAQ.

  • Due to its mildness, the Hana Sencha tolerates high dosages, high temperatures & long brewing times. Try it out for yourself! We have discovered two variants for us:

    Chinese: 3-4 teaspoons per teapot (400ml)/ 80 degrees / 90 seconds

    For a floral infusion, we recommend a temperature of 80°C with a brewing time of 90s. This is similar to the preparation of classic oolong and results in a particularly floral infusion. The 2nd infusion we let brew at 80°C for about 15s. Here comes more freshness and a slight fruitiness through. The 3rd infusion we set at 90 ° C and 20s infusion time. Further infusions are possible - at best at an even higher temperature and longer infusion time.

    Japanese: 4 teaspoons per teapot (400ml)/ 70 degrees / 60s seconds
    For a less floral & instead mild-fresh slightly sweet infusion, we recommend a water temperature of 60-70°C and an infusion time of 60s. Subsequent infusions are quite sufficient with 10-20s and 70°C. Finally, you can finish the last infusion with 80-90°C.

    Cold infusion

    Our Senchas are particularly suitable for cold brewing: simply double the amount of Sencha with cold water and infuse for 10-15 minutes. The delicious refreshment is ready. Our tutorial video below shows you this simple and mega refreshing preparation method.


    The HANA Sencha comes in a sealed and resealable aroma bag. This makes it super easy to take out and the tea stays fresh for a nice long time.